Why Do Nurses Wear Compression Socks?
Sore feet and legs are among the commonest problems faced by nurses. This is understandable as nurses spend most of their workday standing and running around from one ward to the other, fetching equipment and helping patients with all of their needs. Standing for six or more hours daily can cause swelling, pain, and general discomfort within the lower extremities.
If you are a nurse, you must maintain your overall physical health so you can deliver effective care to your patients. Aside from good nursing shoes, another excellent way to reduce achiness and soreness is by wearing compression socks. Read this post to learn why nurses wear compression socks, as well as the benefits they derive from wearing them.
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Why Every Nurse Should Wear Compression Socks
Compression Socks – What are they?
Before you can appreciate the benefits of wearing compression socks, you need to know precisely what they do. Even though compression socks look similar to non-compression diabetic socks or conventional dress socks, they are functionally different.
Compression socks are designed to deliver graduated pressure or compression to your legs. Conventional dress socks provide some level of compression, however not sufficient to be regarded as curative.
These socks help enhance blood circulation by delivering mild pressure to your limbs. Throughout the day, your heart pumps blood to other parts of your body via blood vessels. However, gravity sometimes causes blood to accumulate within the feet and lower legs. This typically results in leg cramps and exhaustion.
While you can temporarily reduce the pain by raising your legs, the pain usually returns after you walk around for a few hours. This is why compression socks are highly beneficial as they provide therapeutic support to help enhance blood circulation and reduce pain.
Why Nurses Wear Them
Originally, pregnant women, travelers, and diabetics used compression socks to enhance blood circulation and prevent blood clots. Over time their popularity increased as several adjustments to their design allowed a broad range of individuals from varied occupations to use them. These days, many doctors, nurses, cyclists, and pilots wear compression socks.
Compression socks offer several benefits to healthy and active individuals, which justifies why several people of varied professions welcome them. Nurses particularly have benefited greatly from recent design improvements because nursing compression socks are now a lot more comfortable compared to before.
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Compression Socks Benefits
Take the Leg Ache Out of Your Day
As mentioned earlier, compression socks help increase circulation as well as promote blood flow within the legs and feet, preventing blood clots and swelling. When your feet are pain-free, you can give your best to your patients and enjoy any break time you may get without worrying about sore feet.
Reduce your Risk of Spider and Varicose Veins
Spider veins are small ropey or entwined blood vessels that can be seen under the skin. They might be purple, blue, or red and typically appear on the face and legs. Varicose veins are big, protruding twisted veins within the legs.
Aside from being unsightly, varicose and, spider veins can be painful as they place additional pressure on your legs. However, thankfully, compression socks can help decrease the accumulation of blood within your veins. Thus, these socks can help alleviate symptoms and delay the development of varicose veins. Therefore, there will be no need for you to conceal those beauties any time you are off the clock.
Keep That Swelling in Check
Standing all day at work often results in swelling or fluid accumulation within the leg tissues. This fluid accumulation can be extremely painful and might negatively affect your ability to do your job properly. The good news is that you can avoid this problem altogether. Wearing compression socks helps to check leg swelling by aiding the upward flow of blood.
These socks deliver graduated compression, and that means the pressure delivered by the socks is highest at the base of your legs, close to your ankle, and gradually reduces further up your leg. Your feet and lower legs are typically the areas affected the most with regard to swelling.
Help your Muscles Recover Faster
Compression socks continue to deliver benefits even after your workday is over. One important benefit of wearing compression socks at home while relaxing is that it will help promote muscle recovery and repair. What this means is that you should continue caring for your feet even after your long and tiring day at work. You will increase circulation, alleviate pain, and reduce swelling within your legs by continuing to wear your compression socks.
Select from a Broad Range of Attractive Designs
Compression socks are available in a variety of cool patterns and colors. Most medical practices and hospitals have some sort of dress code in place. However many have no rules with regard to the pattern or color of your socks, although it is always a good idea to check first. You can jazz up your image and boost your confidence and mood by putting on something that gives you social confidence. You can wear some remarkably expressive and fashionable socks.
Convenient, Simple to Wear and Remove
Most modern compression socks are breathable and very cozy. They are quite elastic which means they stay firm regardless of how often you wear them. Nevertheless, it is recommended you replace them after four to five months of constant wear.
Compression Socks are Available in Various Degrees of Firmness
Compression socks have varying numbers that indicate the level of pressure the socks deliver to the feet. A number is usually written on the pack followed by mmHg. The lowest compression level available is 10-15 mmHg, and you can purchase this type over the counter without a prescription. However, you will have to get a prescription from a doctor if you want anything more than 20 mmHg.
The Take-Away
The breathability, softness, and moisture-wicking qualities of compression socks help prevent pain and development of blisters. They also help to keep your feet dry and comfortable. Therefore, ditch the pain by wearing good nursing shoes and compression socks. You will enjoy smoother blood circulation, more comfort, and less fatigue.